Thursday, December 29, 2011

Slow down!!!

I was talking to my good friend Trina  yesterday on the phone about how fast this year has sped by. I cannot believe in just a few short days we will be saying goodbye to 2011 and hello to 2012. I remember being a kid and feeling like it took forever to go from one year to the next. All I wanted was to grow up, to be an adult, to have freedom, but the days just moved slowly forward. Now as an adult all I want is for the days to slow down at a pace where I can enjoy each hour to the fullest, to not go to bed at night and think, "I can't believe the day is over."  I feel like life is going by so rapidly that one day I am going to be 70 years old and wonder how I got there so fast.  My favorite (and only) brother celebrated his 44th birthday on Tuesday and I was shocked at how quickly he has become middle aged. It seemed like  yesterday he was teaching me how to do a back dive into our neighbors pool or coaching my little soccer team. I wish sometimes we had  personal screens that we could sit down and watch our lives from childhood, adolescence and even recent events. It would be nice to remember moments as they happened and truly learn from our actions, mistakes and repeat the words and ideas that showed so much love. I guess I will just have to settle by taking more photos, using my time wisely and to choose the really important values of life. So cheers to a fantastic last year and here's hoping the days slow down in the new year just a bit like in the days of my youth.


  1. are you sure your bro is that old...this is getting scarier and scarier....happy new year young lady
